Thursday, July 10, 2008

Now I have a blog

Kia Ora
Nau Mai Haere Mai

So now I have a blog. Where do I start, what do I say? So many questions about blogging. Who on earth will read my blog? Why do people read blogs? And do I really want my blog out there? I do want to give it a go as I have been inspired by two remarkable woman who have started me on my blogging journey (though they probably don't know they have, and don't actually know me, but i'm out there... watching... listening... learning).

However through my professional development lately I have heard about blogging as a tool for my classroom. Thank you to Rocky Jensen from my BT course and to Jody Hayes from the NZRA Reading Conference workshop I attended. Jody showed us how she uses blogging with her classes and gave the advice to have a go at one yourself to get started. So here I am blabbering on about how I got started with blogging. Of course it's seems like a good choice for a first post... how I got started.

So what do I want from this blog? A good question. I guess I want to interact with people. Share my ideas, hear other peoples ideas... and the journey begins.

1 comment:

tasteach said...

Kia Ora Cola
Welcome to the edublogosphere. There are many teachers out there like you, just starting on the Web 2.0 journey. In fact that was me in January 2008. It takes a lot out of the teacher at first but the exclamations and oohs and aahs from the students makes it worthwhile.
Feel free to visit my class blog or my personal blog where I am more likely to write about how the journey is going.