Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Learning takes time

I'm back, holidays seem to give me the time to blog! How can I fit it in to my daily or weekly routine? Anyho, this post is about learning takes time!

I spent sometime this afternoon exploring sktich, after seeing someone use it in their blog. I thought it looked like a great application to use in my blog. So I created a word document that I was going to practice using skitch with ( I'm not even sure that's what you do) then I discoverd it's a mac application. Doh. I will try to add in here what I wrote, just so I feel like I haven't completely wasted my time.

The following is pasted from a word document.....

Using Skitch In My Blog

I have noticed that one of the classroom blogs I read regularly for guidance and inspiration uses skitch to display various poster and newsletter type articles.

I thought I would have a go and see how to use it and how I can use it on my class blog.

Our topics next term are camp and a “healthy and safe me”. So how can I use skitch on my blog with these topics? Maybe I can load a camp list onto the class blog.

Will it support adding images? I will try.

What skills will I need? I would use skitch to create newsletters and posters for my class and personal blog, so I will probably need some sort of presentation, design and layout skills.

I am creating this in word… will it work….

Fingers crossed. Xx (this is my fingers crossed, not kisses for you, sorry :) )

On further exploration it becomes apparent that the system requirements are a MAC 10.4.6 or later…. I don’t have a mac….

So I learnt, that learning takes time and sometimes you don't get the desired result!
However it has got me back blogging and I do enjoy writing. Even if I do sound like a rambling fool most of the time. :)

The End.

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