My mind is in overload. I have spent the last few days of my non-contact time, OK holidays scouring around the Internet staring into cyber space finding out just how huge this whole web 2.0 is. There is some amazing and inspiring work being done out there by educators all over the world and in NZ. So I'm in overload, where do I start? How do I fit it all in? Which application does what and which is the best and how do I use all of them? KIS seems to be a way to calm myself down as I get carried away.
I sat down today to do a wee bit of planning. I have all this excitement about web 2.0 and lots of inspiration for my literacy programme from the NZRA reading conference I attended. So much that I want to achieve this term and so little time to do it. I reflected in my planner about term 3, ( a pre reflection lets call it???) I noted in my planner how I have all this enthusiasm and new ideas that I want to implement. I'm concerned about how I'm going to do it, will my new thinking get a chance to be practice or will it all dissolve before I get a chance to implement, reflect and discard or try again and make it a permanent part of my practice? There is just so much I want to do. So now I get back to KIS, Keep it simple. So how can I begin to use Web 2.0 in my class? Integrating it into what we already do obviously. So this is what I've decided.
I will start by creating a class blog which I will manage to start with. We are doing
PrEP (primary enterprise programme) in Term 3. My target audience will be parents and caregivers as they are the support that holds the PrEP programme together. I will write posts about our PrEP businesses, take photos, upload work all primarily for parents to access, all the time of course consulting and sharing with the class. A requirement of the PrEP programme is to keep a diary about your PrEP project, at this stage I can't see us fitting in time (PrEP is all consuming) for each child to blog their diary so I will get my 2-3 most unmotivated writers and get them blogging their diary. I can almost see the enthusiasm on one of my boys faces. He will love it!
Through beginning like this, then I will come across different applications when I am wishing to embed photos, videos, do podcasts, etc etc. Then that is when I worry about what application to use and hopefully learn and use many of the tools I have come across the last few days.
What a rambling post I've just created. However I am finding this a great tool for reflection.